lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Hora de Historietas

Este año en la materia de Educación Artística, nos visitaron un grupo de historietistas llamados Banda Dibujada. Este grupo nos enseñó las características principales que tiene que tener una historietas, como los cuadros de diálogo, las viñetas y las onomatopeyas. Antes de que vengan, nuestra profesora nos propuso introducirnos al tema y buscar dibujos de historietas.
En su visita, Banda Dibujada, nos dio la oportunidad de crear nuestra propia historia con nuestros propios protagonistas. Acá está la mía:

Ya que sabíamos cómo hacer una historieta, realizamos una historieta basado en el libro con el que veníamos trabajando, en mi caso "Hush Hush". Mi historieta se basó en una escena del libro, por lo que utilicé dos de los personajes principales y elementos que aparecen en el libro.

Mi libro preferido

En la clase de Arte, la profesora nos dijo que eligiéramos nuestro libro favorito y partir del mismo debíamos realizar la caratula de nuestra carpeta. La caratula tenía que estar relacionada con el libro elegido. Yo elegí la saga de libros "Hush Hush" de Becca Fitzpatrick. Mi caratula es Patch, el personaje principal, quién era un ángel caído, y de él sale una burbuja de pensamiento, donde se muestra el campo de batalla entre nefilims y ángeles.

A continuación, debíamos elegir tres palabras al azar de una hoja del libro. Las palabras que yo elegí fueron: vulnerable, intensidad y acaricia. A partir de las tres palabras elegidas tuvimos que dibujar algo relacionado al libro y en el dibujo incluir las palabras elegidas. 

En el tercer dibujo teníamos que escribir todo lo que se nos venga a la mente, ya sea relacionado al libro o no, a esto se lo llama catarsis. Podíamos escribir de la manera que queramos, no había que seguir ninguna regla. En un momento, la profesora nos decía cambio y en vez de escribir debíamos dibujar. 

En el cuarto dibujo debíamos elegir cuatro palabras en todo el libro y dibujarlas. Primero realizamos un boceto y luego tuvimos que incluir todas las imágenes en un mismo dibujo, donde estén relacionadas. Las cuatro palabras que elegí son: boca, cicatrices, arma y gotas.

Después de hacer el boceto de las palabras las uní y en acrílico pinte el trabajo final.

MadMen: The Smoking Pitch

In Thinking Skills we worked with credibility criteria, specifically with vested interest. What is a vested interest? Well, a vested interest is when someone has something to gain from benefiting one side over the other. As to achieve it, someone can present one-side arguments or select some specific evidence, reducing the credibility of the source. In class we saw an extract of the TV serie "Mad Men", where we can identify two moments where vested interest is used.

1. When Peter had an idea for a new propaganda of the cigarettes company

When he tells his new idea, he is telling one side of the story, which benefits the company. He compares the risk of dying with cigarettes with dying in a car accident, explaining that life can be dangerous, so if you are going to die, at least enjoy a cigarette. By showing this, Peter avoids the part where smoking leads you to death, benefiting the company.

2. When Don tries to convince everyone about his idea

Don explains that there are six more companies selling the same product, but he wants to show that the products from other companies are poisoned, while Lucky Strike, the company he is working for, sells toasted tobacco. All the cigarettes are toasted, but Don's idea includes just one side of the story.

In both cases, Peter and Don, just want their idea to be chosen, so they avoid important things about cigarettes so as to benefit the company by selling their product effectively. Don's idea is the one elected, due to the fact that Peter's idea includes the fact that cigarettes are dangerous for us. 

Another example of vested interest is the propaganda from the L&M company, which connected health with cigarettes using expertise recommendation. Whatever a doctor says we usually believe it, as they are experts in what they say, they studied to know what they are saying.

Resultado de imagen para l&m company propaganda


In the subject of Global Perspectives, our teacher let us choose a topic to talk about and debate in class. With my friends we chose to talk about abortion, which is a topic debated in every country. Here I leave a presentation which explains what is an abortion, the types of abortion, the risks of having an abortion, if it should be legal or not, and what are the views from different parts of the world.

Tribus Urbanas

En la actualidad se puede encontrar una gran variedad de tribus urbanas, como los hippies, los punks, y muchas más. Con mis compañeras nos concentramos en la tribu de los Grunges. A continuación dejo una presentación donde presentamos los Grunges.

Retrato de un compañero

En Arte la profesora nos propuso hacer el retrato de un compañero en cuatro técnicas diferentes. La primera era en lápiz, luego con grafismos en lapicera y otro en color. Seguido de eso debíamos elegir pinturas en donde nos gustaba o llamaba la atención la técnica o la paleta de colores del dibujo, y a partir de eso debíamos utilizar lo elegido para crear el retrato de nuestro compañero.

En el último trabajo incluí la paleta de colores utilizada por Wassily Kandinsky y parte de Frida Kahlo. Elegí hacer mi dibujo en un círculo ya que el retrato quedaba más centrado.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016


In the subject of Thinking Skills we have been studying credibility criteria, which has many types. One of them is Bias. Bias is when one person or a source pre-judges, taking one-sided arguments which makes them reject any type of evidence that is against their beliefs. This leads to the distortion of evidence, where sources end up being unreliable. It is almost impossible to have an unbiased source due to the fact that everyone has their own point of view. As to work with this topic, our teacher gave us te following pictures:

In the first set of images we can se how Hitler and the media are criticising Jews because of the misfortune of Germany after the First World War. They are shown as demons, killers and trying to poison other Germans. Hitler also blame them for the hyperinflation of the 1920's. This is a clear example of pre-judgement, which helped Hitler to turn Germans against the Jews. These judgements are senseless as the Jews fought alongside other Germans during the defeat of the First World War. This images also overplay what the Jews did, as people do not make sausages out of rats or drain the blood of other people. Those sources are not showing how Jews really are. This sources are not credible as they are all based on hate feelings towards the Jews.

The second activity is about a British propaganda during the Gulf War of 1990-1991, between the Allies and Iraq. In this source the British describe themselves in a good and heroic way, meanwhile Saddam Hussein is shown as an evil person. This source is biased as the British show themselves as if they were going yo save the world.

Wrongful Conviction

Michael Kenneth McAlister was wrongful convicted in 1986 after being recognised by the victim as the man who attempted to rape her. McAlister was then released in 2015 as the man who attacked the woman, Norman Derr, confessed his crime.