martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Love Without Differences

In the subject of L/L Writing we had to write a short story and we have to include a situation of tension between a mother and a son, or a conflict of social classes.

A long time ago there were two families that were fighting because of their social classes. The family that was from a lower class was formed by a mom called Victoria but people called her Vicky and her son was called Joseph but people called him Joe. Joe's father died when he was 5 years old. Vicky was 43 years old and Joe was 15 years old. Vicky had long, brown, curly hair and green eyes. Joe had short  blonde and straight hair and blue eyes. The other family was formed by a mom, a dad, a son and a daughter; they were from a high social class. The mom was called Maria but they called her Marry, the dad was called Robert, the son was called Marco and the daughter Ambar. Maria had long, blonde and brown hair and grey eyes, Robert was bald and had honey brown colour eyes, Marco had short, curly and red hair and blue eyes and Ambar had very long, red and blonde hair, grey eyes and freckles in all her face. This fight happened in a small but beauty town in Mandalasia.
The fight started when Ambar fell in love with Joseph, but their families prohibited them to see each other because of their social classes. One day Vicky called Joseph to have lunch but he was not in his house. She thought that he was at Ambar's house, so she went to Ambar parent's house to tell them that she wanted to talk with her son, but they told her that he was not there and they also realised that their daughter was not at home. They started looking for them because they were very worried and furious. They looked for them for three hours, but they did not find them. When they least expected, a policeman knocked on the door and said they had found Joseph and Ambar under a bridge kissing. Robert telephoned Vicky to tell her that the police had found their children under a bridge and if she wanted to go with them to look for Joe. When each of them were in their houses they had a very long chat. Ambar parent's prohibited her to go out from the house. Joseph and Vicky had a very strange fight.
-I do not want to see you any more with Ambar, she is from a high social class and you are from a lower one-, said Vicky.
-That does not matter, I love her and she loves me, and we want to have a very happy family-, said Joe.
-I understand that you love her, but if you marry her you will be a man from the high social class and I do not want to be alone and to lose you, you are my son and I love you a lot. You are the only thing I have in this world-, said Vicky crying.
-Mom, you know that I love you and I would never change you, but I want to have my own life with Ambar-, said Joe.
-I understand your feelings so I will leave you to have your own life with Ambar-, said Vicky.
-Thank you mom, now I will go to Ambar's house to tell her parents that I love her and nobody will prohibit us to marry and live our own like., said Joe.

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