lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Do art and music have the same importance than technology in the cv?

The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as technology. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays there are more careers than there used to be due to the advances in many areas of the world. People have now more opportunities to choose what to do with their lives in the future. The role of education is to prepare children not only for the modern world, but also for life and whatever comes up. Education should leave the doors open for children for any opportunities in life, not only those involving "useful subjects", such as technology; Also those subjects that involve other creative manners of children, such as art and music.
Schools are prepared to teach us children how to deal with problems, how to communicate, to enlarge our knowledge, to open our minds to new ideas and different ways of thinking, to build values for life; It helps us make friends, and in that long path where we form ourselves, education helps us find what we enjoy and do not like. Art and music are as important in that path as technology is. Through those subjects juveniles can express how thry feel, how they think and how they see things in a different way from the rest. This type of subjects, like drama for example, gives them more confidence as well as the capacity of individually and in groups. When working in groups you learn to tolerate certain attitudes of people since they all have different reactions and you need to cooperate, so these subjects are helpfool to boost that characteristics we all have, some more and other less developed. When doing activities involving art, drama, music, etc. children need to focus so as to do well their work, the same happens with all subjects. 
I believe art and music are as important as technology in the curriculum since they allow children to develop different skills useful for their life and at the moment of getting a job.

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