domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Diary Entry

In the subject of L/L Writing the teacher told us to write a diary entry about a poem we were working with. The name of the poem is "A Different History" from Sujata Bhatt, an Indian writer. This poem is about the British colonization in India. Which explores the connection between culture and language. In particular the first part of the poem talks about life in India Before British colonization. The second part is about India after the British colonization.

17th November 1972
Dear diary,

Today was a normal day. I woke up, I went to the toilette, I washed my face, I brushed my teeth, I brushed my hair. Then I went to my bedroom, I stayed one hour changing my clothes. Finally I decided to wear a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, a pair of shoes, a sweater and some gloves. Because it was a little bit cold. Then I went to have breakfast. I ate some toast bread with cheese and I drank coffee with milk. When I finished I wanted to go out, but I could not. It was full of British soldiers. They were killing every person that was outside of their houses. It was horrible. The streets were full of corpses. Things were getting worse every minute. Many babies were stolen from their families to become British people. They taught them British things. British soldiers were taking a hundred people, I do not know what for, I am so scared. They are teaching all of us British culture, religion, traditions, languages, their identities, everything. I do not want to be: a British person; I love being from India and nobody is going to change this. I am so scared about what is going to happen. I do not know if they are going to kill me, if I am going to be a British girl, or something else. This was a very bad day, because British people came to colonize us and we do not know what to do. I am going to see what is happening. I love you diary. I am going to continue writing later.

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