viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015


In Language we had to write an essay about the statement that parents and other adults often influence children's career choices is a good thing or not.

Choosing a career is a big thing, especially as when children choose they are too young and they are making a decision for life.
Every parent want the best for their child and do not want them to suffer; to be happy is what they want for them. Some parent believe that choosing their son or daughter in future is the best for them. However this is not real. By choosing what career their children are going to study they are assuring them to be unhappy or at least not to enjoy what are they doing.
Anyhow, by choosing their daughter's or son's career they are "freeing" them to have to think about what they want to study and be for the rest of their lifes. It is also a hard desition their parents are avoiding them to make, this is why in a way it is good if they choose for them. Moreover, they sometimes have to follow the family tradition and they are not able to choose.
As a result, it is convenient that every kid choose what they want to study and be in a future, in order to be happy and do what they like.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Martín Fierro

En la clase de Literatura vimos la película de Martín Fierro (con dibujos de Fontana Rosa) y analizamos algunas imágenes de la misma.
"Martín Fierro" trata de la vida de un gaucho lleno de complicaciones y trabajos laboriosos los cuales lo llevan a una violencia irracional y termina con la vida de 2 personas, consecuentemente es buscado por la justicia que Fierro estaba en contra. Finalmente todos sus hechos son valorados convirtiéndose en un héroe para muchos y una gran figura para los gauchos.
Muy bien se demuestran los hechos que marcaron traumas en lo que se convirtió en revolucionario al gaucho.
En este instante es cuando Martin Fierro comienza a recordar su familia, la locura y la melancolia lo invade y empieza a verlos en el cielo. El gaucho pierde la cordura y esto es lo luego lo que lo incentiva a lograr sus objetivos.

Esta es una imagen memorable ya que representa lo que es su completo personaje, un luchador y valiente combatiente por lo que realemnte el desea.

Finalmente se ve cuando Fierro lucha contra los indigenas que querian traspasar la frontera.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Argumentative Essay

In the subject of language we had to write an argumentative essay up to the statement that everything we learn is useful. In an argumentative essay the writer has to argue for and against the statement given.

In this essay I will explain the advantages and disadvantages about the statement that everything we learn is useful. In my opinion, everything we learn is not that useful, anyhow it has its uses. Some subjects in junior school are forgotten when we grow old. In high school we have many subjects, some of them are useless, depending on what are you interested to be when you became an adult. I do not agree that everything we learn useful as you may not be interested in some subjects as you are with others.
Among all our years studying there are many useful things, I agree they are useful for life. Mainly basic things we learn such as reading, speaking, writing, basic history, maths and how our body works are useful thing we are constantly using. You do not know when you will need to do a project on the human body or teach any of your near ones maths. Those things are kept in your memory.
As to conclude, I either agree and disagree that everything we learn is useful. At any moment you will have to use something you once thought it was not useful. 

This is a girl studying, even she has to read all those books, in her future she will realize all that studying was worth it.