sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Pied Beauty

In the subject of L/L Writing we saw a poem called "Pied Beauty" from Gerard Manley Hopkins. The teacher propose us to imagine that we are Gerard Manley Hopkins before he wrote the poem and I travelled to the English countryside to find inspiration for my poem. Here is my soliloquy:

I am so tired, this day will be exhausting. I have to visit all the English countryside to get inspired to write my next poem. I do not know what to write about. I have to prepare everything to start visiting the English countryside. What would I need to take? A pencil, a notebook to write the ideas that come to my head when I see something, a bag to put away my things and I think that nothing else. Oh no, it is raining outside, I won't be able to visit the English countryside today, I think I will go tomorrow, but I can not, I would not be able to visit the fantastic places that the English countryside has. I have to think of another way to visit this countryside. If I wear a jacket and an umbrella I will not get wet. Well, let's go. Sometimes I can't believe that God created all these dappled and pied things. The skies are like brinded cows, with the complementary colours. Wow, they have a lot of things, the fish, specially the trout, their spots in circles. The finches wings, chestnuts falling, everything God created is magic. The plough, fallow and plotted landscape, I love it! Everything is opposite and original. Everything flows or not, the sour and sweet things, we have to praise God, he is the creator of everything. Yes! I am very inspired now, I have to go back home to write my new poem. I have to get a carriage before I forget everything.